Why would four children apprentice
themselves to the bloodiest band of cutthroats to sail the seas?
CASIMIR, a dirt-poor farm boy,
is desperate to help his starving family. He's a gentle giant made
strong by working with the earth, but he'll put his personal feelings
of honor aside to turn brigand and save his mother and brothers.
ROLLO is the son of two infamous pirates – Grullo the Red Walrus, and Queen Mab, the fearsome female buccaneer. It's only natural that he follow in his family's footsteps. But does he have a desperate plan to change the nature of piracy forever?
Her Royal Highness Princess BLOSSOM has been sailing since she could walk. Though a princess isn't allowed to be apprenticed, she follows her dream and tries to bind herself as an apprentice pilot for four years. But everything goes horribly wrong when she accidentally signs on as a pirate instead of a pilot. Will she be a hostage, or sold to slavers? Or will she thwart the fiendish plot that threatens to overthrow her father's kingdom?
PYM is Blossom's Humble
Companion, the commoner sworn from birth to serve and protect her.
He's against her madcap plans, but follows her to keep her safe. When
she signs on as a pirate, he has to join up too. Will this be his
chance to prove he's worthy of a princess' love? Or will he always be
no more than a faithful dog to Blossom?
Rollo, Pym and Blossom join the crew as pirate apprentices, and
discover that there is nothing romantic about the violent world of
piracy. As they forge alliances and weave lies to survive, the new
apprentices find their footing and prepare for the training that will
either kill them or turn them into the most terrible criminals to
ride the waves. Or is there a third alternative? Can these four
apprentices create a new kind of pirate?